Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Post Christmas at the Cabin

The last few years we've been at the cabin in Pinetop for Christmas but this year we went up a couple days after. It worked out well because they had a huge snowfall before we got up there. It was sunny the entire time we were there and with the new fallen snow it was beautiful. It was the most snow that I had ever seen up there, especially the drive up. I'm glad that Jim was driving. Chelsea drove behind with some friends and Jimmy and his friend rode with us. We had a very nice time. Everytime we're there, we wonder why we don't go up more often and enjoy it.


Pat and Shawna Katz said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could have been there! There is sooo much snow!

still figgurin' said...

Great to see the family updates! You all look wonderful!